
 Since purchasing a well drilling rig in 1993 Global missionary staff have drilled over 400 wells in the surrounding villages to provide the people of Haiti with potable water. Many villages find their men, women, and children sickly from lack of access to clean water. It is Global’s desire to provide these people with clean water while sharing the gospel and the love of Christ through the message of the ‘Living Water’.  Wells are  financed by generous donations from supporters (Sunday School classes, churches, individuals, etc.)  The cost for a well, pump, and base is $7,500. To learn more, click here.


Sharing the Gospel is the most important part of the mission. Global Haiti Mission has helped plant and build six different churches in Haiti. The  gospel is shared at each new well drilling site and The Jesus Film along with The Passion of the Christ is shown at each conference as well as in churches and remote open area arenas.

​​Short Term Mission Team Quarters

One of the greatest blessings to the ministry is for work and ministry teams to come to the field. These teams help in construction, welding, medical, evangelism, Vacation Bible School, mechanical maintenance and many other ministry projects. The short term quarters provide these teams with great accommodations.

Burn Clinic

Open fires, hot water, scalding food and unattended children account for many burns in this country. The burn clinic ministers to these victims at no cost to the patient or their family. For our burn clinic video, click here.


Global Outreach has over 300 Kindergarden through 3rd grade students. These students are taught a bible based curriculum by qualified Haitian   teachers. These schools provide educational opportunities to very poor   children who may not otherwise have an opportunity to attend school.   To learn more about Child Sponsorship please click here.

Feeding Program

We feed over 300 school children daily. There are 62 senior citizens that come every Monday morning to get their weekly provisions of rice, beans, oil, spices, and vitamins. To learn more about sponsoring a widow or widower in our feeding program, click here.


    The Global Outreach Haiti Mission is a multifaceted ministry meeting the needs of the total man with a commitment to feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and providing potable water to the thirsty. The ultimate objective of all these ministries is to point people to the saving grace of Jesus. 

The Conference Center

The Conference Center is the focal point of the Global Outreach Haiti Mission. This facility can accommodate 212 participants for dining, sleeping and classrooms. Each year these facilities are used to train approximately 3,000 Haitian Christian school teachers, pastors, health care workers, project directors and young people. To download the conference center brochure, please click for part 1 and part 2.